Checklist (460 Only Subjects)


460 Series


American Beauty 460

Cycle 460

Piedmont 350-460 No.25

Piedmont 350-460 No.42

Sovereign 460

Sweet Caporal 350-460 No.25

Sweet Caporal 350-460 No.30

Sweet Caporal 350-460 No. 42

Sweet Caporal 350-460 No. 42 OP

Hindu - Red

Lenox - Black

Lenox - Brown

El Principe De Gales

Old Mill - Black (Base Ball Subjects)

Polar Bear





Early in 1911, group 4 began being printed with group 3 and the super prints. This group included 46 major-league subjects and was the last group added to the T206 set. The combination of group 3, group 4 and the super print subjects brought the total number of cards being produced for the 460 Series to 109.


Group 4, along with some or all of group 3 and the super print subjects, were printed with a majority of the 460 Series and assorted-brand backs at this time. These backs included American Beauty 460, Cycle 460, Piedmont 350-460, Sweet Caporal 350-460 and the assorted brands Hindu, Lenox, Old Mill, Polar Bear, Tolstoi and Uzit. In addition, the assorted brand El Principe De Gales was printed during the 460 Series, and this print run is thought to consist of only group 4 subjects.


Sovereign 460

The Sovereign 460 Series backs were printed using only group 4 and the six super prints. This back clearly defines which subjects were included in group 4. For example, Red Kleinow (Boston) and Frank Smith (Chicago & Boston) can be found only with 460 Series backs, but their absence from the Sovereign 460 printing provides further evidence that they were part of group 3 and not group 4.