Drumming up another confirmation
January 18, 2014 -- In 2010 we discovered a connection between the 37 subjects from Print Group 3 that were printed with American Beauty 350 (No Frame) and Drum 350 advertising backs. At that time, 32 of the 37 subjects that had been confirmed with a AB350NF back also had been confirmed with a Drum 350 back. That led us to hypothesize that the same preprinted front sheets were used for both back advertisements. If this were correct, then the five subjects confirmed with the AB350NF back but not with the Drum 350 should eventually be confirmed with both. These five subjects were Conroy (With Bat), Doolan (Batting), Downey (Batting), Mullin (With Bat) and Stahl (Glove Shows).
Not long after this initial connection, examples of Doolan (Batting) and Downey (Batting) with a Drum 350 back were confirmed. That left the three subjects -- Conroy (With Bat), Mullin (With Bat) and Stahl (Glove Shows) -- as the only AB350NF subjects without a confirmed Drum 350 mate. This is where the confirmed lists have stood until now.
Robert Edward Auctions representative Brian Dwyer recently picked up a consignment for their upcoming spring auction: a collection of T206s that included 516 of the 524 cards in the set. They were stored raw in 16-count pocket pages, back to back. After Dwyer returned to the office and began removing the cards from the pages, he found that two cards have Broad Leaf 350 advertising backs (Anderson, J. Tannehill) and two have Drum 350 advertising backs. The two Drums were Leifield (Batting) and Conroy (With Bat).
This Drum confirmation of Conroy (With Bat) brings the total of AB350NF/Drum pairs to 35 of 37. It appears to only be a matter of time before the remaining two are confirmed as well.